My daughter, Keatyn, said that the Bible is full of mysteries that make her ask questions instead of learn things....she was frustrated with her own process of desiring knowledge and wanting there to be concrete answers in her intentional time with many of us have been there or this is the exact reason we don't open the Bible?
I want to suggest something to you--- where we desire knowledge, God desires relationship.
Studying the word, heck, just reading the Bible should not be a means to becoming smarter or well-versed in scripture memory; studying the Bible is learning the language, character and ways of God SO THAT you recognize Him in your life now (the knowledge comes, but the wisdom and understanding that overflows from relationship is what changes the world around you).
The Bible is the perfect filter to identify, weigh, reveal and know truth....Truth is a person. My point, today, is this:
Studying any part of the Bible is mysterious in and of itself because it reveals a person that is outside of our capacity to fully understand even though He's made himself fully accessible. He is in relationship for the long-haul, not for daily "fortune cookie" quips and answers.
What if we all started reading the Bible with the awareness there is a master spirit of revelation that is ready and willing to tell us things we can't even dream of?
God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search it out. Proverbs 25:2
Yes, God is fully accessible to be known, but just like any relationship, it takes time to get to know him and the degree to which we search Him and His ways out is the degree to which He gets to honor that pursuit with revelation and wisdom.....that sounds a whole lot better than someone requiring me to read the Bible because that's what we're supposed to do as Christians, now it's like being a treasure hunter with a map that guarantees the location of said treasure.
You know the Bible has only been available in print since around 1454 (see the Gutenberg 31-line Indulgence) and noted to begin to appear in American homes in 1663 in Massachusetts...furthermore, (and I know this is a massive summary and hash out of facts, feel free to double check- I encourage you to!) by 1787, at the signing of the Constitution, 60% or 3 million American ADULTS could read ( The State of Publishing: Literacy Rates)....the fact that we have Bibles readily available in print or digitally accessible is WILD and a crazy concept for generations beforehand to comprehend. It is amazing that we have access and are able to read the can decide for yourself what you think about what's in the pages, but the fact you can even do that is amazing.
SO, here we are in continuation with Galatians....
Galatians 2: 1-5
Then after fourteen years, I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also. I went in response to a revelation and, meeting privately with those esteemed as leaders, I presented to them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. I wanted to be sure I was not running and had not been running my race in vain. Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek. This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.
Ok. We left off with Paul presenting the validity of the Gospel and why it was true based on his personal testimony and various witness he gave in corroboration with it being the truth. He continues this appeal by offering further testimony regarding his time spent with other influential leaders in the church (Barnabas, Timothy and Titus). He speaks of these guys by name because they would know who they were and it would provide further credibility to Paul. The test of time is also relevant to me in that fourteen years later shows that there has been longevity to what Paul is sharing, it hasn't changed EVEN in the face of opposition and challenge, which he points out in regards to Titus (who was a Greek convert). This specific example would hit home with the Galatians as circumcision was a part of the religious construct they were being persuaded back into. In response to Titus' experience, it was agreed upon that converts did not need circumcision to receive Christ and the freedom found in Him; ergo, the Galatians SHOULD NOT be compelled or persuaded to be circumcised as it is not a part of the Gospel. Paul wasn't being a rogue voice and he made sure to privately speak with and weigh his own experience and revelation with those that had gone before him. He made it a point to validate and affirm what he was preaching with those that were sharing the same- and may I point out- were actual real friends of Jesus as He walked the planet....that's a good place to go for wise counsel if you ask me.
My takeaways from this portion of Paul's letter:
Revelation is not reserved for one and will always be affirmed by multiple witnesses
You may be the first to come into a piece of revelation, but it must be consistent with The Gospel and verified by others
Communication is key- making sure to go to those of wisdom and understanding to weigh revelation intentionally and humbly promotes connection rather than separation (Paul didn't just go do his own thing outside of the blessing and affirmation of the original apostles)
Honor and Integrity will persevere in Truth
A liar may be of interest, but a man of truth will sustain time- had this run through my head, story tellers and truth benders may be interesting for a moment, but truth will prevail the test of time.
When you read through these first parts of Galatians, what are your thoughts? What parts of your life are highlighted? Does any of this seem relevant to you- why or why not?
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can possibly ask for or imagine according to the power at work within us"
Ephesians 3:20