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Lyndsie Schnoor

Known to Be Known


If You Don't Do the Work- You Won't Value the Cost
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Known to Be Known

Revealing God Through Your Relationship with Jesus

Jesus said, “Now eternal life is this, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent”.  John 17:3

I find most people nowadays are not questioning the existence of God, rather most are searching and seeking ways to connect with Him—make sure that He is real and that He cares and that He sees them; that there is belonging and purpose and destiny to be found…

I’d like to suggest that the answers to these questions and one of the most famous, “What is the meaning of life?” Find their answer right here from Jesus, himself—with a timeline and a process.

Eternity and relationship.

Forever in connection.

There is no endgame; there is only increase and opportunity as more and more and more is revealed, learned, practiced and applied.

Each of us pursue differently and each process of pursuit looks unique- there is, after all, only one of each of us. Only one you that gets to contribute to the rest of existence their relationship and nuance gained in Jesus. That, alone, has fascinated me as the Gospel is displayed in the lives of believers that I know and even those pre-believers I can see the Father running after.

It has been my experience that the more I get to know the Lord- the more He is made known through my life….hence, Known to be Known.

Known to Be Known is my process of getting to know God through Jesus Christ.  My pursuit is an invitation to step into one journey that will give you access to a personal and relational God.  

Eternity doesn’t begin after death- it’s now

Relationship doesn’t begin in heaven- it’s available now

Join me in the pursuit of knowing the all-knowing- I promise that it will change the world around you simply by getting to know Him.



Known2BKnown Podcast

Religion or Relationship? A Destination or a process? Philosophy or Reality? What does it mean to know God and how do we do it? Known to be Known is an exploration of what it is to have a personal relationship with God and how that journey affects the people and world around you.