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Every. Day.

Writer's picture: known2bknownknown2bknown
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." Lamentations 3:22-24

Many of us know this verse or have heard others speak of "His mercies being new every morning." Growing up, I was aware that there was new mercy for each day, God said also that, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" Matthew 6:34. I knew BOTH of these things. The trouble was, I kept seeing mercy as this liquid being poured out through the day...that the liquid was full and ready to go in the morning, but it poured out until it needed to be replenished for the next day. I saw mercy as finite for the day.

I saw mercy as finite for the day.

The thing about God is that He has no beginning and no end. His provision is perfect and

complete, it isn't just enough, but always more than we need. Think about how Jesus demonstrated this when He fed the 5,000. He not only fed everyone, but he fed them until they were satisfied and then collected 12 baskets of leftovers (Matthew 14:13-21). He IS a God of overflow and abundance.

His mercies, therefore, are no more a limited resource than He is.


Why do we want to make God a god of "just enough"? Why is there a notion of His help and compassion and healing, etc being limited? Are we afraid of resources from the one who is Resource? Are we afraid of not stewarding well? Why, do we immediately tend to grasp to "just enough" to get by, when our God provides EVERYTHING we need and more.

You see, His compassions [mercy] is not something we start with in the morning and then relegate and steward and use wisely throughout the day to get through- His compassion is COMPLETE and overflowing for our day. We receive portion in every moment from a vessel that never loses volume. He just keeps pouring into us, filling us in the areas and moments and parts of the day in the exact ways that are needed.

So, why are His compassions new each day?

Is it possible that it isn't a question of renewed resource, but the type that is needed? The Lord knows each day, He has planned and prepared and made provision available for me that is unique and perfectly designed exactly for my process and experience....wouldn't it make sense that His compassion would be DIFFERENT each day, then?

Think about that.

His mercies are not RENEWED each day, they are NEW.

They are specific.

They are catered and designed for TODAY.

You aren't starting today with a bottle of mercy that you can use until it runs out for tomorrow, you have specific, perfect, designed compassion to get you through EVERYTHING today. Not "just enough"- everything, with leftovers.

That is our God.

That is your Heavenly dad.

So, today. Regardless, of what you are stepping into. Regardless, if this is a day of joy or mourning. Regardless-

HIS compassions and mercy for you are more than you need for today. You aren't going to run out at 3pm. He has a storehouse of compassion available at 5pm and He has another one at 6:30pm, 10pm, 1 am, etc.

Today, you're going to be ok. I'm going to be ok. Because we have a God that loves us without measure and has every moment of our day provided for....ALLLLLL aspects. The tears, the fears, the laughter, alllll of it.

It's important that we remind ourselves of this, right? The Lord is MY portion ,the verse goes on to say, I will wait on Him.

A portion in the Lord is limitless and perfect, why would I not choose to source my day through Him? The one who has made Himself available and close- the one who desires to be with me and for me in all ways....

I will wait on Him. How about you?


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Sep 02, 2023

Gosh I needed this, thank you Lyns! The Lord spoke straight to my heart ♥️ I will wait on Him! Such a beautiful revelation!!

Sep 02, 2023
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Love you!


Shara L
Shara L
Aug 23, 2023

We receive portion in every moment from a vessel that never loses volume. ” Mercy perfectly, uniquely designed just for this moment. ❤️😭 I love it!! This is brilliant refreshment.

Aug 23, 2023
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Yes! A refreshing awareness 😃


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